
Review of Crime, Peace and Society (RCPS), ISSN (Online) (3079-6105) & ISSN (Print) (3079-6091), is an interdisciplinary, blind peer-reviewed, open access journal published under International Centre for Sustainable Development and Research (SMC-Private) Limited (CUI No. 0266199). It is an interdisciplinary research journal that explores critical issues at the intersection of criminology, peace studies, and social sciences. RCPS provides a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to engage in scholarly discussions on crime, justice, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and their impact on society. The journal aims to promote innovative research and evidence-based practices that contribute to a more just and peaceful world.

Frequency of Publication

Review of Crime, Peace and Society (RCPS) publication schedule comprises one (01) volume with two (02) issues each year on a regular basis with the following description.

1st Issue            January - June

2nd issue           July - December